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Hi I'm the founder of UrthLeaf CBD retail store in the USA (https://urthleaf.com). I'm thinking of growing my CBD products range in addition to Urth Leaf CBD Gel Capsule. I was thinking about adding CBD Vape Cartridges to my CBD store. Will anybody suggest a really good CBD Supplier or a manufacturer? I have tried out Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk) and The Eliquid Boutique (https://theeliquidboutique.co.uk) but their wholesale rates are extremely high. Thanks
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Hi everybody! I was thinking whether or not anyone would love to join me as a cannabis and CBD product reviewer? I have actually received a considerable amount of cbd product lines from reputable brand names including Dreem CBD I likewise have a considerable amount of CBD and hemp goods to send out to CBD and hemp reviewers, including CBD Vaping, CBD Creams and CBD Bath and Body I likewise do vape reviews and am looking for a vape reviewer also to review the following eliquid brand names (will be transported to you): Chefs Choice E-Liquid, Little Head Vapors and Vape Style E-Liquid Many thanks guys and have a fab day! You can reach me at https://allcbdstores.com