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برامج : Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21
الكاتب: medben | 29-08-2009, 14:08 | زيارات: 2340195
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21

تذهلنا شركة أشامبو ببرامجها الرائعة والقوية

وتعود لنا بجديدها مع العملاق الرهيـــــــب !!

Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21

Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21

Ashampoo Photo Commander 7.21

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    Via a simple annex to a contemporary and multidisciplinary college or university through exceptional achievements.

    In March 29, 1968, Chief executive Houari BOUMEDIENE laid the foundation stone of the University of Constantine whoever official "birth certificate" was Ordinance Number 69. 56 of June 17, 69. As a reminder, the university center of Constantine was established by the decree of 1961 authorized by the President of french Republic and creating in Algeria two school centers: one in Oran and the other in Constantine.

    Nevertheless , one must know that degree in Constantine commenced ahead of the creation of this university middle with the opening, in 1958, of an annex of college of Legislation of the University of Algiers. This structure, located at the most popular University (currently Abdelhamid BENBADIS located at the rear of the Grande Poste in the location center), provided Constantinois students enrolled at the University theoretical education of the first two years of law degree and the preparation of the degree in law.

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    The Literary University installed in the Medersa.
    The Scientific College, located at the vocational training center in Bellvue.
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